Your teacher will let you know if you should use Noodletools or a citation machine.
Noodletools is a one-stop platform for you to create citations and link them to notecards. You can outline, make notes, create a bibliography and share it all with your teacher.
Citation machines auto-create a citation for you. You enter the book, magazine, article, or website title and the tool will generate and populate all the appropriate fields. Select the appropriate medium (website, book, journal, newspaper, other, etc) before you enter your title.
NOTE for MyBib
Copy your citations and paste them into a new document. To copy:
Remember that citation generators are powerful tools but they cannot, and should not, do your thinking for you! Always double check the information that the tool outputs.
There are many different styles (rules) for citations. One of the most popular is the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. You will be doing your bibliography in MLA style.
Here are common elements of an MLA book citation and how they look:
(click to expand image)