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US Research: PICT

Tips and tricks to get the most out of researching online.

When you encounter new information, especially when the source is a meme or shared content on social media platforms, you must pause and verify! If you do this right, it should only take 1-3 minutes and you should follow these quick steps BEFORE you read the whole piece.

Pause and Verify
Before you share or respond, before you read or watch, take a look at the source. Do you know enough about the source to be able to assess whether it's factual or accurate? Can you even identify the source of the claim or information? 

Investigate the Source
Who made the information? What is their reputation? 

Check the Claim
Are known credible sources saying the same thing?

Trace the Information
What was the original source? Has the information changed in the re-telling?

The ICT in PICT don't all happen for every piece of information you encounter - sometimes just moving through one of the three will give you enough information.

Many videos and resources in this guide are from CTRL-F, a project of CIVIX a non-partisan, Canadian charity dedicated to building the skills and habits of citizenship among school-aged youth.