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4th Grade: Extreme Weather: Home

Resources for your extreme weather research.

Is it Reliable?

Your teachers and librarians are here to help you find reliable sources! But how do you know if a book or website you found on your own is reliable? Use this handy guide:

How Do You Verify That a Source is Reliable?

  1. You can check and cross-check the information and find it in more than one place.
  2. You can find the copyright and know when it was last updated.
  3. You know who created the site, and preferably, the author's credentials.
  4. Look at the domain. Is it a .org site or a .com site, with ads, for example?
  5. Are you comfortable citing this source in your bibliography?
  6. Does the layout and format present the information in a professional manner?
  7. Is the site easy to navigate and user-friendly? If not, it might not be the best place for gathering information (e.g. The Library of Congress is great, but hard for elementary students to navigate).

Print Book resources

Your classroom library has many excellent choices, including some from the Town Library! Check with your teacher for location and suggestions.

Ebook resources from the Public Library

All three New York City public libraries have lots of ebooks for your research! Don't forget that you can link your Sora account to the public library.

No public library card? No problem! If you are in NY State, all three New York City libraries provide options to get a public library card online.

Digital resources

The Town Library subscribes to many databases that you can use for free from home or school! Here are two that might be very useful for this study:


Websites of Interest

Ebook resources

Brain Pop

Contact the library!

Profile Photo
Karen Grenke
Library Director
Contact: Website

Contact the library!

Profile Photo
Karen Grenke
Library Director
Contact: Website